MicroWiki@Discord is no more following mass banning amid mass controversy

    Cameron Kohler the King of Ikonia and Supreme Justice in the Grand Unified Micronational recently did a mass banning in MicroWiki@D where he used a backdoor entrance through a bot he had created back when he was an admin in MicroWiki@Discord. He then ran a command that banned everyone it could. This resulted in 2,000+ members being banned from MicroWiki@D.

    This event occurred amid controversy when Zarel Smith the top editor in MicroWiki who was formerly banned by the MicroWiki admin team was unbanned. Several members asked the administration why this member of the community was banned. No explanation other then "the user has served their time" was given.

    A petition was created to demand that Andrew Creed, the admin responsible for unbanning the individual resign and that Zarel Smith is banned. It included numerous screenshots of Zarel Smith posting inappropriate messages. 

    The petition garnered numerous signatures from many prominent micronationalists including Adam I of Addamia the current Chair of the GUM, Logan Ross, Tyler Mullins, Brooklyn Kennedy and many others. In total as of today, the petition has 81 signatures.

     Further action was taken against Cameron Kohler in the GUM with a vote of no confidence being proposed against him by the current chair of the GUM Adam of Adammia. To propose a vote of no confidence you need 15% of full members to sign a petition to propose the vote of no confidence. He achieved this with 9 full members in total signing. 

     Andrew Creed later stated that unbanning the individual was not his decision but one of Mike Lewis the current Community Safety Officer. However, Andrew still faces major backlash. 

     For now, MicroWiki@Discord is gone and few members that had high enough roles to save them from the bot are left. Perhaps a return will be made in the future but for now, it is unknown.


    Cameron Koehler was banned from the MicroWiki site permanently  and the Chair of the GUM held a emergency Quorum to discuss his recent actions and to discuss the vote of no confidence it was quite chaotic and the VONC is currently up for a vote.

    A group of accounts was made on MicroWiki and they proceeded to vandalize the front page of the site and other select pages.


A new MicroWiki@Discord was created by the admin and moderation team. The old one is set to become view only. 

Another counter MicroWiki@Discord has also been created named A MicroWiki for Justice
